
Tips for Perfect PowerPoint Presentation

For me, Microsoft PowerPoint is always a kind of test, whether you have mastered all marketing basics or whether there is still room for improvement in certain areas. For a successful presentation, look at here now to have a sound knowledge of design and a certain amount of technical knowledge.

The whole thing is rounded off by the personal touch.

If there are problems with a presentation (this can be an unwanted font, a broken link or unreadable text), then I did not pass the test. Even the best speaker quickly destroys the whole effect for his audience if the visual experience is not right. It is therefore useless to be only an expert in one field. You should already know how to present this knowledge well.

A successful PowerPoint presentation depends on three essential factors, regardless of the topic: How do you master the PowerPoint design tools? Do you make sure that your presentation is consistent and coordinated? And have you planned everything to ensure that your presentation runs smoothly? Our simple tips will help you with all three.

Stand out from the crowd

Microsoft has provided its PowerPoint users with a wide range of options. But that doesn’t mean you have to use them. Pay attention to the following things:

Think about whether a pre-defined PowerPoint design really fits your theme and message.

Avoid the standard fonts from Microsoft, Calibri and Cambria, because these two fonts don’t make your presentation very convincing.

Professionals should never use the sounds preset in PowerPoint. 

With PowerPoint, key points are set automatically. Before using PowerPoint, ask yourself the question: Are key points the right choice for my presentation? This is not always the case.

Some time ago, PowerPoint implemented a small shadow as a standard effect for all shapes. You should remove this shadow if it is not absolutely necessary. Also, don’t leave shapes in the default blue shade, but choose a different, more individual color.

Adjust the slide size individually

Usually the standard film size is the best choice. However, there are also rarer screen sizes for which you should adjust longer presentations. This is how it works:

Open “File” in the upper left corner.
Select “Page Setup”.
Enter the desired height and width of your background and click “OK”.
A dialog box will appear. Click OK again.
The size of your background has been successfully resized.

Edit the template design of your slides

It is often much easier to edit the PowerPoint template before you start creating the presentation itself. This way, you don’t have to manually change the design for each slide. This is how it works:

Select “View” in the upper navigation bar.
Click on “Slide master”.
Make the desired changes and then click on “Close master view”. Now this template will be used for all existing and future slides in this presentation.

Make sure all objects are aligned evenly

A slide only really looks professional when the objects displayed on it are evenly aligned and arranged. You can of course try to arrange these elements manually, but that’s usually not very promising. Even if you manually move all the objects to the center of the slide, they often end up not arranged correctly – and your audience will notice! Don’t guess around any longer and use the function provided by PowerPoint especially for this purpose.

Use the “Format” option – this allows you to format your objects more flexibly.
The Format option allows you to make fine tunings that would not otherwise be possible. To do this, right-click an object and select the Format option. There you can adjust shading, change the dimensions of shapes, create reflections, and much more.

The menu opens in a new window and looks something like this depending on your operating system and PowerPoint version.

Under the tab “Format” you will also find all basic formatting options of PowerPoint. But many more options are available in the detailed “Format” menu (which can be accessed by right-clicking on the object). Further options are for example:

Adaptation of a text field in a form
Creation of a natural perspective shadow behind an object
Manual color selection and automatic color presets

Become creative with the Form Tool

Many users do not know how flexible PowerPoint’s form tool has become in the meantime. In combination with the extended format options that Microsoft released in 2010, you can create your own great variations beyond the traditional rectangular, oval and rounded shapes. You won’t find such a variety of possibilities even with professional design programs such as Adobe Creative Suite or Quark.

The new shapes also offer a great Smart Shapes function. This allows you to create diagrams and modern flow charts in no time at all. These tools are great for getting the most out of a presentation visually. Paragraphs and key points are nice, but very boring. Use shapes to visualize your message in an appealing way.

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